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[25] 김수인, 한국해양학회, 삼각학위논문상 (2024. 11)
[24] ​정성운, 한국해양학회, Best Paper Award in Geological Oceanography / Marine Geology (2024. 11)
[23] 은채연, Yellow Sea Ecosystem Symposium (YES), Best Oral Presentation Award (2024. 07)
[22] 이우진, 해양-대기 다학제간 학술 연구모임 (OASIS), 운영위원회장상 (2024. 06)

[21] 신재혁, Pacific-Asian Marginal Seas Meeting (PAMS), Best Poster Presentation Award (2024. 05)
[20] 최선민, 인하대학교, 인하인재상 (대학원장상) (2024. 02)
[19] 전병진, Yellow Sea Ecosystem Symposium (YES), Best Poster Presentation Award (2023. 11)
[18] 최선민, International Conference on Cohesive Sediments Transport (InterCOH), Ray Krone Award (Best presentation)         (2023. 09)
[17] 정성운, 한국해양학회, 삼각학위논문상 (2022. 11)
[16] 최선민, 인하대학교, Outstanding Research Award (2022. 02)
[15] 김수인, 한국해양학회, 한국해양학회장상 (2022. 02)
[14] 김수인/서진비/이성호, 한국해양학회, 차세대해양과학자워크숍 우수발표상 (2021. 12)
[13] 하헌준, Yellow Sea Ecosystem Symposium (YES), Best Poster Presentation Award (2021. 12)
[12] 정성운, Yellow Sea Ecosystem Symposium (YES), Best Poster Presentation Award (2021. 12)
[11] 서준영, 한국해양학회, Best Paper Award in Geological Oceanography / Marine Geology (2021. 11)
[10] 하헌준, 한국해양과학기술협의회, 미래해양과학기술인상 우수상 (해양과학부문) (2021. 05)
[9] 서준영, 한국해양학회, Best Student Poster Award in Geological Oceanography (2019. 11)
[8] 최선민, 한국해양학회, Best Paper Award in Geological Oceanography / Marine Geology (2019. 10)
[7] 하헌준, Yellow Sea Ecosystem Symposium (YES), Best Oral Presentation Award (2019. 07)
[6] 하헌준, 인하대학교, Outstanding Research Award (2019. 02)
[5] 최선민, 인하대학교, Outstanding Research Award (2019. 02)
[4] 서준영, Yellow Sea Ecosystem Symposium (YES), Best Presentation Award (2018. 07)
[3] 손은애, Japan Geoscience Union - American Geoscience Union Joint Meeting (JpGU-AGU), Outstanding Student               Presentation Award in the Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences Section (2017. 05)
[2] 최선민, 한국해양학회, 한국해양학회장상 (2017. 02)
[1] 서준영, International Conference on Asian Marine Geology (ICAMG-8), Young Scientist Award (2015. 10)

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